JASs forum

Next questions in Molecular Anthropology

Vol. 99 (2021)

Next questions in Molecular Anthropology

Luca Pagani & Giovanni Destro Bisol

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doi 10.4436/JASS.99013

Biobank-scale datasets and their relevance to anthropology/popgen

Francesco Montinaro

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doi 10.4436/JASS.99012

From domestication genomics towards molecular ecology of human environments

Anders Bergström

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doi 10.4436/JASS.99007

Ancient Health Landscape: foundations and perspectives

Christiana L. Scheib

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doi 10.4436/JASS.99011

Towards a functional understanding of adaptive phenotypes in humans

Maxime Rotival & Lluis Quintana-Murci

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doi 10.4436/JASS.99006

Methodological challenges and opportunities for inferring human demography

Garrett Hellenthal

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doi 10.4436/JASS.99010

Complexity in human ancestral demography

Aylwyn Scally

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doi 10.4436/JASS.99009

Uniparental markers and their role in the future of Molecular Anthropology

Francesc Calafell

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doi 10.4436/JASS.99005

Molecular Anthropology is dead, long live Molecular Anthropology

Austin Reynolds & Brenna Henn

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doi 10.4436/JASS.99008