Volume 88 (2010)
Cover Story
Bantu-Khoisan interactions at the edge of the Bantu expansions: insights from southern Angola
Jorge Rocha
5-8 [full text]
Invited Reviews
Cognitive inferences in fossil apes (Primates, Hominoidea): does encephalization reflect intelligence?
David M. Alba
11-48 [full text]
Metaplasticity and the human becoming: principles of neuroarchaeology
Lambros Malafouris
49-72 [full text]
Genetics and southern African prehistory: an archaeological view
Peter Mitchell
73-92 [full text]
Proceeding Paper
Molecular Anthropology in the Genomic Era
Giovanni Destro-Bisol, Mark A. Jobling, Jorge Rocha, John Novembre, Martin B. Richards, Connie Mulligan, Chiara Batini & Franz Manni
93-112 [full text]
Right handed Neandertals: Vindija and beyond
David W. Frayer, Ivana Fiore, Carles Lalueza-Fox, Jakov Radovčić & Luca Bondioli
113-127 [full text]
The association between dental mineralization and mandibular form: a study combining additive conjoint measurement and geometric morphometrics
Michael Coquerelle, Priscilla Bayle, Fred L. Bookstein, José Braga,Demetrios J. Halazonetis, Stanislav Katina & Gerhard W. Weber
129-150 [full text]
Not just a pretty song: an overview of the vocal repertoire of Indri indri
Giovanna Maretti, Viviana Sorrentino, Andriamasitoly Finomana, Marco Gamba & Cristina Giacoma
151-165 [full text]
New radiocarbon dates and isotope analysis of Neolithic human and animal bone from the Fontbrégoua Cave (Salernes, Var, France)
Gwenaëlle Le Bras-Goude, Didier Binder, Aurélie Zemour & Michael P. Richards
167-178 [full text]
Two Case examples of pelvic fractures in medieval populations from central Europe
Maria Ines Hofmann, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Thomas Böni & Frank J. Rühli
179-188 [full text]
Health and disease in a Roman walled city: an example of Colonia Iulia Iader
Mario Novak & Mario Šlaus
189-206 [full text]
Do it yourself
Measuring human energy expenditure and metabolic function: basic principles and methods
William R. Leonard
221-230 [full text]
JASs Forum
Interdisciplinary views on Molecular Anthropology in the Genomic Era
The prospects for tracing deep language ancestry
Quentin D. Atkinson
231-233 [full text]
Inference of demographic processes from comparisons of ancient and modern DNAs
Guido Barbujani
235-237 [full text]
Integrating anthropological genetics with cultural anthropology and archaeology: new opportunities
Mark Collard
239-242 [full text]
The Genographic Project: insights into Western/Central European variation
David Comas
243-244 [full text]
Genetics and anthropology in studies on aging and Chagas disease
Claudio Franceschi et al.
245-250 [full text]