Volume 84 (2006)
Cover Story
Primate conservation and taxonomy
5 [full text]
Invited Reviews
From darkness to daylight: cathemeral activity in primates
Giuseppe Donati & Silvana Borgognini Tarli
7-32 [full text]
Bone Paleohistology and Human Evolution
Cayetana Martínez-Maza, Antonio Rosas & Samuel García-Vargas
33-52 [full text] [supplementary material]
The study of bacterial DNA in human mummie
Franco Rollo, Luca Ermini, Stefania Luciani, Isolina Marota & Cristina Olivieri
53-64 [full text]
Advances in ancient DNA studies
David Caramelli & Giampietro Lago
65-83 [full text]
The golden age of human genetics in Italy
Mauro Capocci
85-95 [full text]
Soft-tissue facial anthropometry in three dimensions: from anatomical landmarks to digital morphology in research, clinics and forensic anthropology
Chiarella Sforza & Virgilio F. Ferrario
97-124 [full text]
The paleopathology of pellagra: investigating the impact of prehistoric and historical dietary transitions to maize
Robert Paine & Barrett Brenton
125-135 [full text]
Radiocarbon dating of the early Mesolithic Colbricon site
Stefano Grimaldi
137-145 [full text]
From Verheyen to Bookstein: history of colobids and superimpositions
Emiliano Bruner
147-160 [full text]
Correspondence & Notes
The Western Pygmies from the Central African Republic: new data on autosomal loci
Giovanni Destro-Bisol, Cinzia Battaggia, Valentina Coia, Chiara Batini & Gabriella Spedini
161-164 [full text]
JASs Forum
Anthropology and Reductionism
The future of Anthropology in the era of scientific reductionism
Andrea Drusini
165-169 [full text]
Reflections about DNA studies, reductionism and the role of Anthropology
Bernardino Fantini
170-175 [full text]
The interdisciplinary character of Anthropological Sciences
Claudio Ricciardi
176-178 [full text]